We flew from Bangkok to Bangalore. The plan was to spend a day in Bangalore, then go to Kabini, and then back to Bangalore.
I took Sabina to Lalbagh (we also drove by a few other landmarks). Here’re a few photos I took there.
My car. I still hadn’t even taken off the ribbon that the showroom people had put on it.
View from the roof at Eagleton.
After our whirlwind tour of Bangalore (there really isn’t that much touristy stuff to do here), I asked myself what Bangalore has to offer. The answer of course is bars and shopping. Neither of us had any interest in shopping, so we went to my favorite bar in the city: Arbor Brewing Company.
This was taken after we came back from Kabini at Eagleton.
Sabina also liked Arbor as well, so we went back a second time. This is proof that I had a magnificent vacation. My face is burned to a crisp :) I think it’s safe to say this is by far the best vacation I’ve ever had.