Bohr In

My photo a day blog


I went to Toit today with C. It’s similar to Arbor. I think I like Arbor a bit better, but this place was pretty good too.

Also got a “Mexican Bhel” as an appetizer. I expected it to be weird, and it was. In a good way though.


I’m not sure which Cofffee Day this is, but it’s a really sugary “coffee” drink.

Honey Harvester

I thought this was either a table for gambling or chess. V later told me that it was used to harvest honey. Apparently it’s something the Biology PhD students do.

IISc Flowers

Flowers in front of the central tower in IISc.

They were arranged under the statue of J.N. Tata.


As a part of a somewhat cruel joke I was stuck in Chennai on April Fool’s day. I had to go there to get a US Visa. I hate everything about Chennai. It’s hot, grimy, sweaty and dirty. I don’t speak the language and getting around is a giant pain. You can’t get into an auto without arguing about price for 10 minutes first. And, you have to listen to the auto driver moaning about how awful his life is and how you overpaying him by a factor of 100 will make his life all better. Bottom line is I just hate that city.

I met N and his wife N for dinner yesterday. We had this thing called Chap Chae. Basically you pick a bunch of veggies and noodles in a bowl, and then a sauce to go with them. They cook it for you and bring it out. I got this bowl with Kungpao sauce and it burned a hole in my stomach.

On the way back to the airport, the cab got a puncture. Turns out some douche bag had stuck a spanner facing upwards on the road. Have I mentioned that I hate this city?