Bohr In

My photo a day blog

IISC Woods

More IISc photos. There are several “woods” in the IISc campus and it’s a lot of fun to walk around in them.

Also, if you like Storehouse, I put up a Storehouse story as well.

IISc Tower

I was at IISc yesterday. This is the central tower.


Inspired by this page, I finally decided to go give a place in Malleswaram a try. This must be the fourth or fifth time I’ve gone to Malleswaram. I’ve lived in this city for 18 years. I still don’t think Malleswaram counts as Bangalore proper. I still think central and south Bangalore are where it’s at. Having said that though, the dosa at CTR was amazing. Better than Bhattara Hotel. I still think Vidyarthi Bhavan is #1 (the chutney there is nonpareil).

Ate a benne masalay. Kick ass.

Post dosa coffee wasn’t bad either. I quite like filter coffee, but don’t really drink it all that often.

Organic Chemistry

This is the board identifying the Organic Chemistry department at IISc. I was aboslutely awful at Orgo in high school. Glad I’ve never had to do it since.

New Glasses

I finally got my primary glasses replaced today. I’ve been living with my backup pair for a few months now. I ended up accidentally sitting on my primary ones and they broke. At first the guy at the store told me that they could try to just replace the lens and preserve the frame, but that there was a chance that the frame would break as well. Unfortunately the frame did break (I’m a little sad about this, I really liked that frame) so I had to get a new frame.

I wanted one like Freddie Wong’s. Neon green and rimless. They didn’t have any like that though. Oh well, I still like the one I chose. I chose one made by FCUK. I’ve always wanted to own a product made by that brand and now I do :)