Bohr In

My photo a day blog

Baby Deoderant

Not too long ago a friend of mine said to me “Dude, you really need to put on some damn deoderant”. Of course, she was totally right. I sweat a lot and unfortunately that makes me stink. I try to make sure I don’t go too long without a shower and deoderant but every so often life gets in the way and I end up being Mr. Stinky. Part of my strategy involves always having extra deoderant lying around so I never run out. Here’re the latest two cans that I’ve acquired. I shot this with my tripod with a 1.3 second shutter speed at f/1.8.

In related news, I was recently at Star Bazaar in Kormanagala and found out that they have a pretty interesting defintion of “Baby care”. I wonder if this is a hint to all men that perhaps we’re too childish and should grow up. If it is, I’m totally ignoring that hint.

Fingerprint Scanner

This is the fingerprint scanner that logs when people come in and leave at the office.

El Classico

In honor of Lio Messi’s hat trick in last night’s El Classico, I finally decided to wear my Barcelona jersey today. I still think Real Madrid should have won that game, but I don’t have a Real Madrid jersey to wear yet.

On an unrelated note, it’s gotten so hot here that within the 5 minutes it took me to set up the shot and take it, I was already sweating. I’m totally fine with hot weather when I’m outdoors and equipped to handle it (by which I mean shorts, t-shirt, flip flops and sunglasses), but I really do not like the heat when I need to put on jeans, shoes, etc. and go to an office.

Goal Post

I finally bought a tripod today. I figured the first shot I put up after this momentous event should be one that needs a tripod. So here’s the goal post in the backyard shot with an 8 second shutter speed.

Corner House

I went to Corner House (Airlines Hotel) to pick up some dessert tonight. I got a Magnum hot chocolate fudge with 2 scoops of Crispy Chocolate Malt, and 2 scoops of Vanilla. It was delicious.