Bohr In

My photo a day blog


My brother bought a pen online to test if his credit card would work. Turns out it does, and he doesn’t need a pen. So I got it instead. It’s not that I need a pen, I just like having nice pens. This was one of my favorites when I was a kid. They were really expensive back then, so I could only use them to write exams and not for day to day writing.

I didn’t really have anything to actually write, so this was my test drive.

En Route

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And the ball is en-route to it’s destination. I can’t remember if that went in, but looks like it did.

It took me around an hour to get this shot, and it isn’t even very good. I had my camera set to f/1.8, 1/500 s shutter speed, and on a 10 second timer set to shoot 5 shots consecutively. I would hit the button, run back, position the ball and try to time my kick with the camera firing. Of the 200 or so photos that resulted, this was the only one that had the ball in the frame, and somewhat in focus. Clearly I’m not doing something right here.


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I’d love to be able to kick a ball with a similar trajectory, but I can’t. I can however, move an iPhone somewhat terribly.