Bohr In

My photo a day blog


I had my egg supply replenished yesterday so I got to eat egg whites again today. Which meant that I got to eat an actual omelette. I also thought this was as good a time as any to try out the slo-mo video feature on my iPhone 5S to capture the steam from the omelette. Here it is:

And since this is technically a photo blog, here’s a photo:

Chilli Tomato Ketchup

This is the ketchup seen in the previous photo. It has quickly become my favorite kind of ketchup. It’s spicy, sweet and slightly sour all at the same time. Delicious!


I only had two eggs left today, so I decided to also throw in the yoke instead of just the whites. Turns out that changes the structural integrity of an omlette, which resulted in it getting scrambled when I flipped it. It took me years of practice to make this not happen most of the time with egg whites. Before I got decent at it, I used to call these “Scramlettes”.


We found this breakfast place near Eagleton called Vasuddhara. It has a nice little garden out front where you can sit down. The food isn’t anything special, but it’s not bad.

Rosco at Breakfast

High Resolution

Rosco likes to hang around when other people are eating breakfast. He hopes that someone will either feed him or drop something that he can attack. But of course, he isn’t willing to drop the ball that’s always in his mouth until that actually happens.