Bohr In

My photo a day blog

Rosco Drinking Champagne

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This is Rosco sampling champagne. It took him a couple of licks to get used to it (after which he quite seemed to like it). I think it was because of the cold. He doesn’t like anything that’s either too hot or too cold.

Interestingly, when I gave him beer a couple of weeks ago, he loved it immediately. Licked my palm clean and barked at me asking for more. Of course, being a responsible adult, I refused to give him any. Still, it’s nice to know that my dog has good taste :)

Arjun’s Birthday

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This week’s theme is: “Cold”.

Today is my brother’s birthday. We popped open this excellent bottle of chilled champagne to celebrate. I thoroughly enjoyed it!


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Apparently there’s some weird themery going on here. I seem to have come across a 1 day only theme called “Oldness/Newness”. Anyhoo, here’s my attempt. My old football vs. my new football. I liked the old one better – it was easier to throw. Unfortunately it picked up a couple of holes during shipping and can’t hold air for longer than 20 minutes.


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My brother cooked this (as well as a whole host of other food) for some guests. They didn’t go crazy with it, but I sure as hell did. Food has always given me great comfort and warmth, so this is as good a photo to end this theme on as can be :)

Oh! I almost forgot. Happy New Year!

Golf Course

Went to Eagleton and played 9 holes with my father. We were a bit rushed so I didn’t have too much time to stand and take too many photos. This is the best I could do. It was a lovely morning. Started off a bit chilly, but it got warm pretty soon. I started off great (with a 220 ish yard drive), and things went downhill after that. I started to get back into it on the 8th hole, but alas we had to leave at 9 to get back into the city to get to work.